Want to share a bite of juicy watermelon with your pup? But maybe you’re not sure which fruits are safe for dogs to eat. No worries! Here are the fruits that are safe to eat! And yeah, watermelon is one of them!
Can My Dog Eat Fruit?
Is it ok to feed our dogs fruit as a healthy snack? The answer is… sometimes. That might not sound helpful, but let’s discuss it in more detail.
The reason why it’s not such a straightforward yes-or-no answer is because some fruits are entirely safe and healthy for dogs to eat, while others can be toxic or they may pose a threat as a choking hazard. But don’t worry; we are here to guide you every step of the way! Let’s figure out which fruits are safe for dogs and the best ways to prepare and serve them to your sweet pup safely.

Everything in Moderation
As we talked about using fruits as snacks for our dogs, let’s also talk about the amount that we feed them. As the saying goes... “everything in moderation.” When it comes to giving treats and snacks to our precious pups—even if they’re healthy—we don’t want to go overboard. Treats should only make up 10% of our dogs’ diets. And the other 90% of their diet should come from their nutritionally-balanced dog food.
If you’re not sure what that looks like when feeding your dog pieces of fruit, it’s always good to consult your veterinarian for advice. A good rule of thumb would be to give your dog a few small pieces for every 10 lbs. of their weight.
Health Benefits of Fruit for Dogs
Aside from the fruits that are toxic for dogs, and the pieces of fruits that can be choking hazards... The safe fruits can be extremely beneficial for dogs, just like there are for us. There are tons of great vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fruits that your dog will most certainly benefit from. In fact, depending on the dog food brand you use, your dog should be receiving some of those fruits in the ingredient list of their nutritionally-balanced dog food.
Fun Ways to Serve Fruit to Your Dog
Once you know which fruits are safe to feed your furry best friend, there are several different ways you can serve them up. Just make sure to always remove any seeds, rind, core, stems, or leaves. And remember to cut them up into small, easily-edible pieces.
Chopped pieces
Of course, the classic way to prepare fruit for your precious pup to eat is by chopping the fruit up into small chunks that are easy for your dog to easy, chew, and swallow.
Frozen chunks
Chop up the fruit into small pieces again, but this time throw them into the freezer to give to your dog later. The cold temperature is great on a hot day. And they’ll love chomping on the crunchy frozenness.
Mashed up in their food or a KONG
Take some dog-safe fruit, chop it up, and then mash it up. Or even throw it into a blender. Then you can mix the mashed-up fruit into their usual food, or put it in a KONG or hollowed-out meat bone, and freeze it for later. The frozen mashed-up fruit will keep them busy for quite a while.
Frozen yogurt and fruit popsicles
Use plain, unsweetened yogurt and some dog-friendly fruit. Mix it all together in a blender. Then pour it into a popsicle tray, or ice cube tray, and freeze it.

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
- Can dogs eat apples?
Yes. Apples are a safe and healthy fruit for dogs to eat. They are full of fiber and vitamins A and C. Remember to remove the seeds, core, and stem before giving any to your dog. The seeds do contain a small amount of cyanide, which can be poisonous. But the apple itself is safe and healthy.
- Can dogs eat avocados?
No. Sorry… even though we love avocados, and they are so healthy for us, they should not be fed to your pup as a treat. “The pit, skin, and leaves of avocados contain persin, a toxin that often causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. The fleshy inside of the fruit doesn’t have as much persin as the rest of the plant, but it is still too much for dogs to handle.”
- Can dogs eat blueberries?
Yes. Blueberries are a superfood for us, and they’re a superfood for our dogs too! They are full of antioxidants and fiber. And dogs love them!
- Can dogs eat cantaloupe?
Yes. Melons like cantaloupe are a safe, healthy treat for dogs to eat. They are low in calories, full of great vitamins, nutrients, fiber, and they contain a lot of water—which is great for hydrating your dog. But be careful… they do have a high sugar content.
- Can dogs eat cherries?
No. Cherries are not a safe treat for dogs. Cherry plants do contain cyanide, and are toxic to dogs.
- Can dogs eat cranberries?
Yes. Cranberries are a safe treat for your dog… both fresh and dried! Just watch out for any extra sugars added to the dried ones. Also, your dog may not like them because of the tartness.
- Can dogs eat bananas?
Yes. Bananas are completely safe for dogs to eat. They are low-calorie, and high in fiber, copper, potassium, and biotin. Just watch out for the high sugar content. Bananas should only be given in moderation.

- Can dogs eat cucumbers?
Yes. Dogs can safely eat cucumbers. They are full of vitamins B1, C, and K, plus potassium, magnesium, biotin, and copper. They have lots of water in them, and little to no fats or carbohydrates.
- Can dogs eat coconut?
Yes. Coconut is not toxic for dogs, and there are some definite health benefits. But keep in mind that it could cause your dog to struggle with some stomach upset. So it may be best to try something else as a regular treat.
- Can dogs eat grapes or raisins?
No. Grapes and raisins are just as toxic for dogs as chocolate! You may not have known that, but grapes, raisins, and currants are poisonous to dogs, and should not be given to them.
- Can dogs eat lemon?
Yes. “The fleshy part of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and grapefruits are edible for dogs.” But your pup may not enjoy the tartness or acidity. And make sure to remove the rind and seeds.
- Can dogs eat mangos?
Yes. Dogs can safely eat mangos, and they are a very healthy treat. Definitely remove the pit before letting your dog have any. And always cut them into small pieces.
- Can dogs eat oranges?
Yes. Oranges are safe and healthy, and they contain vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. But please remove the rind and seeds. And remember that your dog might not like the citrus taste.
- Can dogs eat peaches?
Yes. Peaches are also a safe and healthy treat for dogs. Remove the pit, and serve it up fresh or frozen.
- Can dogs eat watermelon?
Yes. Like cantaloupe, watermelons are very healthy for dogs and contain a lot of water for hydration and vitamins C, B6, A, and potassium.

- Can dogs eat pears?
Yes. Pears are a good snack for dogs, and contain vitamin C and K, fiber, and copper. But avoid any of those sugary canned pears.
- Can dogs eat pineapple?
Yes. Pineapples are safe for dogs, as long as you cut out the core, stem, and all that pokey skin. And be sure to cut them up in small pieces. Pineapples have a lot of vitamins and health benefits, but a lot of sugar too.
- Can dogs eat raspberries?
Yes. Dogs can eat raspberries. They are low in sugar and calories, and they contain antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and manganese. But note that raspberries do actually contain a very small amount of xylitol—which is toxic for dogs. So don’t feed your dog very many raspberries.
- Can dogs eat strawberries?
Yes. Dogs can eat strawberries. And according to the American Kennel Club, “strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. Along with that, they also contain an enzyme that can help whiten your dog’s teeth as he or she eats them.”
- Can dogs eat tomatoes?
No. Dogs should not eat tomatoes. Even though a ripened tomato is typically safe for dogs, the green parts of the tomato plant actually contain a toxic substance called solanine. It would take a large amount to make your dog very sick. But it’s better to be safe than sorry, and just avoid tomatoes altogether.
For more articles about dog-friendly activities and pet-parenting advice, check out the Blog at LocalPetCare.com.