Local Pet Care in Worcester, MA

Search for pet sitters, dog walkers, cat sitters, and more!

Worcester, MA skyline

Is Worcester, MA, a nice place to live?

Worcester, MA, is an excellent place for any dog-lover to live. Whether you’re single, married, or have kids, this city has affordable housing, excellent schools, plus several colleges and universities. On top of that, there are tons of sports to enjoy, unique restaurants, a variety of entertainment, diverse culture, and plenty of job opportunities.

This city has grown a ton over the last 20 years while keeping its beautiful Victorian-era mill architecture and 19th-century triple-decker houses. The combination of restoring the old character and charm while bringing in new innovations is what makes Worcester an attractive place to live.

And, of course, there’s plenty for you and your pup to do together in this vibrant city. Check out the numerous dog parks like Vernon Hill Dog Park or Downtown Dog Park. Or you can even bring your pup with you on a lunch date to one of the many dog-friendly restaurants like Worcester Beer Garden or Redemption Rock Brewing Company.

Whether you’re planning on moving to Worcester—or you already live here—we can help you find all of the best local pet care professionals in the area too! Just type in your zip code above, and you’ll find tons of fantastic pet sitters, dog walkers, and cat sitters in and around Worcester, MA.

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